Due to bug in v2.1.0.0/v2.2.2.0, update from v2.1.0.0/v2.2.2.0 to v3.7.0.0 via Software Update is not supported. Users are required to download installer to upgrade to v3.7.0.0.
Due to the limitation of Windows OneDrive free account, backup and restore to Windows OneDrive may take longer time
Unable to perform software update on Mac OS X
Enhancements and bug fixes
Application specific backup
Enhancement - Support backup VM with unselected “Mapped Raw LUN” disk (ref: DRJ-704-98708, T-22501)
Bug fix - Office365 backup failed with error “[BlockDB.delete] Failed to remove element from bptree … not found for CalculateMoveFileValue” (ref: EEC-840-96519, T-22682)
Bug fix - Error “'Office 365 Exchange Online/xxx' exists already” is shown in Office365 backup (ref: AFM-144-53213, T-22798)
Bug fix - Mail Level Backup fails with “Cannot export item…The specified object was not found in the store…” (ref: IWJ-780-93118, T-23039)
Bug fix - Running DIC of RunDirect Hyper-V Backup Set will logged “File size incorrect…” and MAY FAIL to Restore 1st Backup Job Afterwards (ref: T-16303)
Bug fix - Hyper-V backup encounters Unexpected concurrent use of SharedBlockOutputStream…Total written size recorded in output stream does not match“ (ref: XZU-854-15623, UAN-566-14001, T-21991)
Bug fix - When performing Oracle backup via CBP encounters Validation of archive log failed?messages (ref: BIG-215-43896, T-18636)
Bug fix - Hyper-V Unable to generate delta using CBT….”The number of CBT log files do not match the number of virtual machine 's preferred owners.“ (ref: UMS-656-73562, T-20632)
Bug fix - MSSQL Backup wrongly flagging database doesn't exist and not selected in source as “does not exist” and skip backing them up (ref: KSK-702-16578, RWA-840-25855, T-22817)
Bug fix - Hyper-V cluster backup gets “Integrity check has been interrupted” warnings (ref: SHD-951-16528, SIB-736-32971, T-22684)
Bug fix - Fail to run VMWare backup after upgraded to Cloudbacko v3.5.0.1 (ref: NZX-913-64996, T-22622)
Bug fix - Fail to merge and remove the check point for Hyper-V Backup set when VM name contains “\”, ”-“, ”(“, ”)“ characters (ref: XZV-159-67204, T-22739)
Bug fix - Hyper-V Failed to generate delta file by using CBT. Reason = Fail to parse offset -1 and the backup takes long time to complete (ref: GBU-481-45485, T-22125)
Bug fix - Hyper-V 2016 - 2nd Backup of Linux Running VM Hangs after Shadow Copy Set successfully created (ref: T-22462)
Bug fix - Cloudbacko will terminate when performing restore job (MS Hyper-V Backup) (ref: HHL-889-81124, T-22526)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail level backup encounters “E-mail Account Not Available” / “ERROR=MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER” warning (ref: QJL-204-51955, T-22607)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail level backup encounters “Cannot list ”@PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID\\Infected” error (ref: PON-866-68066, T-22609)
Bug fix - Exchange mail-level backup error Cannot list “folder name with backslash character” ERROR=0x800B0001 Detail=Unknown trust provider (ref: GJC-516-17662, T-22661)
Bug fix - “[OneDrive4BizManager.getAppName] Invalid sClientId ….” error is showing when having scheduled backup to OneDriveForBusiness (ref: MXN-272-67900, T-22809)
Bug fix - MS SQL gets [ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF] after upgrade (ref: PFT-347-16973, T-22982)
Backup Destination
Bug fix - Backup upload to MS Azure blob storage is being timed out on customers with slow Internet lines (ref: JPH-105-78694, VAQ-359-80177, NOJ-520-91751, OMP-528-22469, NCH-442-56786, T-21959)
Bug fix - Fail to add “OpenStack” as destination because the user account is not allow to access the main page to detect IdentityAPI version (Ref: PEQ-104-23637, YKH-187-68908, T-21814)
Bug fix - Backup failure when filename contain emoji on Mac OSX (ref: EVY-655-31308, JQD-795-98471, T-22300)
Bug fix - Error=[IOException] The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices .. (Error code=1058) (ref: XWQ-435-24891, OYR-462-82900, XYJ-319-45588, T-22674)
Bug fix - File backupset Continuous Backup could not detect and backup changes of data on network path (ref: EIF-206-26751, T-21786)
Bug fix - After deleting folder/file in mapped drive/network location backup source, error shown when doing back up (ref: WUO-150-65273, T-22148)
Bug fix - Backup stuck when VSS shadows were not totally deleted before the backup started (ref: MKC-105-47301, T-21792)
Bug fix - File backup gets [CloudBasic.backupFile] Unexpected concurrent use of SharedBlockOutputStream detected …. errors (ref: JLZ-838-42312, T-22307)
Bug fix - Running IPC file is not removed when there is error occurred in manual backup (ref: T-22515)
General / Miscellaneous
Bug fix - Cloud backup file alternate location to Google Drive should add error handling for invalid path/filename (ref: JQY-302-58148, T-14681)
Bug fix - CBK does not recognize the Slovenian characters (ref: UKI-627-18425, T-22562)
License / Billing module
Bug fix - License violation for add-on modules after backup set removal and service restart (ref: BPM-573-59657, T-21824)
Operating Systems
N/A - No updates have been made in this category
N/A - No updates have been made in this category
Reporting / Email report
Bug fix - Retention suddenly increases to a size larger than the previous job's reported “Data + Retention” size (ref: YTD-479-94947, RIS-595-99759, T-22641)
Restore / Decrypt
Bug fix - Could not Restore the required data and DIC error [RemoteBDB.cloud.rebuild] Failed to rebuild index file CloudFileSystem (ref: T-23052)
Bug fix - Fail to perform restore job for VMware backup (ref: BAN-233-65578, T-22266)
Bug fix - Restoration failure. Error = Failed to obtain inputstream for '[BackupFile][Version=10100]… (ref“: GDW-259-45653, T-23020)
Software Update
Enhancement - Support AUA to CBK v4 (ref: T-22920)
System maintenance
N/A - No updates have been made in this category
User experiences
N/A - No updates have been made in this category
public/edition/cloudbacko_pro/release_note/v3700.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/25 17:42 by ronnie.chan