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This is an old revision of the document!

New Features in version 4.3

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

The Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a new feature that will provide additional security for the CloudBacko Pro/Lite account aside from using password lock for logging in.

  • Using the CloudBacko app
  • Using TOTP Authenticators. These are third-party apps that provide one-time based password. A few examples are Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, and LastPass Authenticator.

How it works?

1). Register the mobile device on CloudBacko Pro/Lite for Two-Factor Authentication

2). Authentication for CloudBacko Pro/Lite machine thru CloudBacko app

  1. When starting up CloudBacko Pro/Lite, first you will enter the password for the Password Lock (If enabled).
  2. The selection of the 2FA Authentication will be displayed.
  3. Upon confirmation of the 2FA approval request, the CloudBacko app will receive a push authentication request, to accept or reject the login to CloudBacko Pro/Lite.
  4. After an approval request is sent, there is additional option to “Authenticate with one-time password” which can be generated by the CloudBacko app if there are issues with the push notification.

public/features/new-features-v43/home.1605686928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/18 16:08 by ronnie.chan