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If Restore items to Microsoft 365 is selected, there are three options for the restore location:


To restore to Original, select Original.

Click Show advanced option to configure other restore settings.

  • Mode

    There are two choices for the mode:

    • Overwrite when exist
      If the data that you will restore is already available in the Microsoft 365 account, then you have a choice to overwrite the existing data.

    • Skip when exist
      If the data that you will restore is already available in the Microsoft 365 account, then you have a choice to skip and move to the next one.

  • Verify checksum of in-file delta files during restore
    By enabling this option, the checksum of in-file delta files will be verified during the restore process. This will check the data for errors during the restore process and create a data summary of the in-file delta files which will be included in the report.

Click Next to proceed.

Here are examples for the different data types:



SharePoint Sites

Public Folders


To restore to alternate user/team/site/public folder, select Alternate.

To configure other restore settings please refer to the instructions discussed above.

Click Next to proceed.

Select the alternate user/team/site/public folder.

Here are examples for the different data types:



SharePoint Sites

Public Folders

Alternate Microsoft 365 organization

To restore to an alternate Microsoft 365 organization, select Alternate Microsoft 365 organization.

To configure other restore settings please refer to the instructions discussed above.

Click Test.

Click Authorize.

Login to your Microsoft 365 account then copy and paste the authorization code then click OK.

Click Next to proceed.

Select the alternate user/team/site/public folder.

Here are examples for the different data types:



SharePoint Sites

Public Folders

public/module/microsoft365-v5/pro/restore-m365.1656907256.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/04 12:00 by anam.gumba