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3. Creating a Office 365 Backup Set

  1. In the CloudBacko Pro main interface, click Backup Sets.

  2. Click the “+” icon next to Add new backup set.

  3. Enter a Name for your backup set and select Microsoft 365 Backup as the Backup set type.

    Select the Backup Scope and Region. Tick the Access the Internet through proxy checkbox if needed. Click the Test button.
  4. Click Authorize to start the authentication process.

    Sign in to your Microsoft account.

    If MFA is enforced for the Microsoft 365 user account used to authenticate the backup set, select either Text or Call to verify your identity.

    If Call was selected, answer the call and follow the instructions to complete the verification.

    If Text was selected, enter the code and click Verify.

    Copy the authorization code.

    Go back to CloudBacko Pro and paste the authorization code. Click OK to proceed.

    Test completed successfully shows when the validation is successful. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

  5. The Backup Source window that will be displayed will depend on the backup scope selected; either Entire Organization or This Microsoft 365 User Only.

    If Entire Organization is selected, this will be window displayed. Select the users and data type for backup.

    To select specific users, click Select.

    Users can be sorted alphabetically or by User Group.

    Example of users sorted alphabetically.

    Example of users sorted by User Group.

    List of users can be displayed in three ways.

    Searching for a particular user is possible by entering the name or email address in the search box. A list of names and email addresses will be displayed containing the search criteria will be displayed automatically. Click Check All Current Items to select all listed users.

    Select specific users by ticking the checkbox beside the user.

    To display selected users only, select Selected only.

    Click OK once done with the selection.

    Tick the Auto-exclude any Microsoft 365 unlicensed user during backup checkbox if you do not want to include unlicensed users in your backup.

    Select the data type that you want to be included in the backup. Select from Outlook, OneDrive, Personal Site and Teams Chat. Ticking the checkbox will backup all, i.e. ticking the Outlook checkbox will backup the mailboxes of the selected user(s).

    Select to backup Teams, SharePoint Sites and Public Folders.

    To select a specific group to backup in Teams, click Select.

    Searching for a particular group is also possible, enter the group name in the Search Groups field, search results will be displayed. List of groups can also be displayed in three ways: Show all, Selected only and No longer available. Click OK once done with the selection. Also select if Group Mail, Group Site and Teams Channel will be included in the backup.

    To select a specific site to backup in SharePoint Sites, click Select.

    Seaching and listing for sites is the same process as discussed above.

    To select a specific public folder to backup in Public Folders, click Select.

    Searching and listing for public folders is the same process as discussed above.

    If This Microsoft 365 User Only is selected, this will be window displayed. Select the items and folders for backup.

    Click Next to continue.

  6. 7. In the Schedule window, configure a backup schedule for backup job to run automatically at your specified time interval.

    Slide the on/off button to turn on this feature, then click Add new schedule to add a new schedule.
public/module/microsoft365-v5/pro/create-m365-backup-set.1656561987.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/30 12:06 by anam.gumba