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Appendix B - Examples using Regular Expression (UNIX-style)

1. Include everything except the Photo folder

The result is:

Explanation: Since the filter excluded the Photo folder, all the files inside it will not be included in the backup. While everything else will be included since the Include all unmatched files/folders box is checked.

2. Filter excel files that starts with lower case letter a

The result is:

Explanation: Only excel files that start with lower case letter a will be included in the backup. As you can see only files that start with lower case letter a will be backed up because the filter for regular expressions are case sensitive. So, the files starting with upper case letter A will not be included.

3. Filter files that contains the word cloud

The result is:

Explanation: Only files that contain the word cloud will be included in the backup. Since the Exclude all unmatched files/folders box is checked, all the other files will not be included in the backup.

public/features/filter/appendix-b.1619170205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/23 17:30 by ronnie.chan