
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010/2013 Mail Level Backup Module


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Mail-Level Restore for Exchange 2010 / 2013 in Database Availability Group (DAG)

Below are the steps for restoring individual mailbox items to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 / 2013 from a mail level backup set.

Pre-restoration requirements

Refer to the following steps to restore individual items to the active database on the relevant Microsoft Exchange server within the DAG.

The mail level restoration should be performed on the active database only. You can identify the Exchange server with the active database from the Exchange Management Shell by following the steps below.

Type the following command in the Exchange Management Shell.

Get-MailboxDatabase | ft name, server

It will show which Exchange server is hosting the active mailbox database. In the following case, Mailbox Database 0225652647 is hosted on W2K12-MAIL1, while Mailbox Database 1667435441 is hosted on W2K12-MAIL2.

[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxDatabase | ft name, server

Name 				Server
----				----
Mailbox Database 0225652647	W2K12-MAIL1
Mailbox Database 1667435441	W2K12-MAIL2
When you can identify which Exchange server hosted the active database, you can logon to that Exchange server to restore the database.
public/module/microsoft_exchange_mail_level_2007_2010_2013/restore_dag.1566973323.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/28 14:22 by ronnie.chan