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public:module:microsoft365-v5:pro:appendix-c [2022/07/05 17:02]
public:module:microsoft365-v5:pro:appendix-c [2022/07/06 10:00] (current)
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   - Log in using a Microsoft 365 Administrator credentials.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc01.png}}\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc02.png}}\\ ​ \\  ​   - Log in using a Microsoft 365 Administrator credentials.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc01.png}}\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc02.png}}\\ ​ \\  ​
-  - Click the **App launcher** then **Admin** icon.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc03.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   +  - Click the **App launcher** then **Admin** icon.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc03.png?​800}}\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc04.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   
-  - Go to **Users** and select **Active users** from the list.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc04.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   +  - Go to **Users** and select **Active users** from the list.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc05.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   
-  - There are two ways to go to the MFA screen, below are the steps for the two options.\\ ​ First option:\\  \\   +  - There are two ways to go to the MFA screen, below are the steps for the two options.\\  ​\\  <WRAP indent>First option:</​WRAP> ​  
-      * Select any Microsoft 365 user account. The user’s information will be displayed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc05.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   +      * Select any Microsoft 365 user account. The user’s information will be displayed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc06.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   
-      * In the lower part of the user’s information screen, look for the **Manage multifactor authentication** link.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc06.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  Second option:​\\ ​ \\     +      * In the lower part of the user’s information screen, look for the **Manage multifactor authentication** link.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc07.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  Second option:​\\ ​ \\     
-      * In the Active users screen, click the [...] ellipses.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc07.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   +      * In the Active users screen, click the [**...**] ellipses.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc08.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   
-      * Select **Multi-factor authentication** from the list.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc08.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  +      * Select **Multi-factor authentication** from the list.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc09.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  
-  - The multi-factor authentication screen will be displayed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc09.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  **Note**: The two (2) options will go to the same screen.\\ ​ \\   +  - The multi-factor authentication screen will be displayed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc10.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  **Note**: The two (2) options will go to the same screen.\\ ​ \\   
-  - You can search and select one or more Microsoft 365 user accounts. There is also a drop-down list available for multi-factor authentication status namely, **Disabled**,​ **Enabled** and **Enforced**.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc10.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​+  - You can search and select one or more Microsoft 365 user accounts. There is also a drop-down list available for multi-factor authentication status namely, **Disabled**,​ **Enabled** and **Enforced**.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc11.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​
       * Disabled - this status refers to the users who are not yet enrolled in MFA. This is the default status.\\  ​       * Disabled - this status refers to the users who are not yet enrolled in MFA. This is the default status.\\  ​
       * Enabled - this status refers to the users who are enrolled in MFA, but changes have not yet taken effect.\\  ​       * Enabled - this status refers to the users who are enrolled in MFA, but changes have not yet taken effect.\\  ​
       * Enforced - this status refers to the users who are enrolled in MFA and has completed the registration process.\\ ​ \\  ​       * Enforced - this status refers to the users who are enrolled in MFA and has completed the registration process.\\ ​ \\  ​
-  - Upon selecting a user, a link to enable the MFA will be available on the right side of the screen. Click the **Enable** link to proceed.\\  ​\\  {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc11.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   +  - Upon selecting a user, a link to enable the MFA will be available on the right side of the screen. Click the **Enable** link to proceed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc12.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   
-  - A warning message will be displayed. Click the **enable multi-factor auth** button to proceed. Otherwise, click the **cancel** button to abort.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc12.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   +  - A warning message will be displayed. Click the **enable multi-factor auth** button to proceed. Otherwise, click the **cancel** button to abort.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc13.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\   
-  - if you select enable multi-factor auth, the screen below shows the successful enabling of MFA for the Microsoft 365 user account that you selected.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc13.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​+  - if you select enable multi-factor auth, the screen below shows the successful enabling of MFA for the Microsoft 365 user account that you selected.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc14.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​
   - To finish the setup for the MFA, login using the MFA enabled Microsoft 365 user account.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc01.png}}\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc02.png}}\\ ​ \\  ​   - To finish the setup for the MFA, login using the MFA enabled Microsoft 365 user account.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc01.png}}\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc02.png}}\\ ​ \\  ​
-  - Upon logging in, there will be a message that will require you to provide more information to keep your account safe. Click **Next** to proceed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc14.png}}\\ ​ \\   +  - Upon logging in, there will be a message that will require you to provide more information to keep your account safe. Click **Next** to proceed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc15.png}}\\ ​ \\   
-  - The **Additional security verification** screen will be displayed. Select one (1) option you want for the security of our account. You can choose from the three (3) options, **Authentication phone**, **Office phone** and **Mobile app**.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc15.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​+  - The **Additional security verification** screen will be displayed. Select one (1) option you want for the security of your account. You can choose from the three (3) options, **Authentication phone**, **Office phone** and **Mobile app**.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc16.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​
       * Authentication phone       * Authentication phone
           * Enter valid mobile number           * Enter valid mobile number
           * Select a method:           * Select a method:
               * Send me a code by text message               * Send me a code by text message
-              * Call me\\  {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc16.png?800}}\\  \\  +              * Call me\\  {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc17.png?735}}\\  \\  
-      * Office phone - enter a valid office phone number.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc17.png?800}}\\  \\+      * Office phone - enter a valid office phone number.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc18.png?775}}\\  \\
       * Mobile app - select which option you like upon using the mobile app:       * Mobile app - select which option you like upon using the mobile app:
           * Receive notifications for verification           * Receive notifications for verification
-          * Use verification code\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc18.png?800}}\\  \\ +          * Use verification code\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc19.png?755}}\\  \\ 
-  - If you have selected the first option which is the **Authentication phone** with method **Send me a code by text**, you will receive a text message containing the verification code. Ensure that you have indicated ​a valid mobile number.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc19.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc20.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​+  - If you have selected the first option which is the **Authentication phone** with method **Send me a code by text**, you will receive a text message containing the verification code. Ensure that you have provided ​a valid mobile number.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc20.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc21.png?​800}}\\ ​ \\  ​
   - To verify if it's working, login using the MFA enabled Microsoft 365 user account.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc02.png}}\\ ​ \\  ​   - To verify if it's working, login using the MFA enabled Microsoft 365 user account.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc02.png}}\\ ​ \\  ​
-  - Select how you will verify your identity.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc21.png}}\\ ​ \\  If __Text__ is selected, enter the code that was sent to your mobile number and click **Verify** to proceed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc22.png}}\\ ​ \\  If __Call__ is selected, answer the call and follow the instructions to verify your identity.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc23.png}}\\ ​ \\   +  - Select how you will verify your identity.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc22.png}}\\ ​ \\  If __Text__ is selected, enter the code that was sent to your mobile number and click **Verify** to proceed.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc23.png}}\\ ​ \\  If __Call__ is selected, answer the call and follow the instructions to verify your identity.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc24.png}}\\ ​ \\   
-  - After the verification process, the screen will be automatically redirected to the Microsoft 365 Main screen.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc24.png?800}}+  - After the verification process, the screen will be automatically redirected to the Microsoft 365 Main screen.\\ ​ {{public:​module:​microsoft365-v5:​appendixc25.png?800}}
public/module/microsoft365-v5/pro/appendix-c.1657011778.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/05 17:02 by anam.gumba