Table of Contents

Where to find logs for troubleshooting

With a paid license, when you encounter troubles, find and zip the following logs, and then submit a support ticket to us for troubleshooting.

Backup and Restore Log

The CloudBacko backup and restore log files are kept in the following locations:

Windows XP → C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\.cbl\log

Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 → C:\users\{username}\.cbl\log

Mac OS X → /Users/{username}/.cbl/log

For example: Backup log: C:\users\{username}\.cbl\log\%backupset_id%\

Scheduler Log

Scheduler logs are used for troubleshooting why the automatic or scheduled backups are not running on time or are missed. The log file is called debug.log, it will record the status of all backup sets on the machine. The debug.log is automatically rotated when they reach 256KB

Windows XP → C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\.cbl\Scheduler

Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 → C:\users\{username}\.cbl\Scheduler

Mac OS X → /Users/{username}/.cbl/Scheduler