Office 365 - Office 365 SharePoint restore encounters “500 Internal Server Error” and makes restore very slow (ref: OPL-824-91860, T-27833)
Hyper-V - Virtual disk of VM machine is inaccessible after restore (Hyper-V backup set) (ref: FLP-689-22894, T-28144)
Hyper-V - Hyper-V Run Direct Restore takes unexpectedly long time for the restore and no VM is started yet (ref: MLF-280-15062, T-27903)
File - File restore from Local Destination encountering “Failed to locate the required chunk because this is no CloudManager for lDestID” (ref: VWP-688-92825, T-28034)
File - Fail to restore File with error “[ObsManager.getInputStream] Target is not a file” (ref: HZV-611-88305, KBU-417-43274, UHE-243-66681, T-27700)