Enhancement - Support backup VM with unselected “Mapped Raw LUN” disk (ref: DRJ-704-98708, T-22501)
Enhancement - Support VMware ESXi 6.7 (non-RunDirect) (ref: QKL-701-98874, KJC-822-28797, T-21361)
Enhancement - Support VMware vCenter 6.7 (ref: QKL-701-98874, KJC-822-28797, T-21362)
Bug fix - Cloud File Backup cannot list
FTP files and directories (ref: WEQ-686-74107, T-21034)
Bug fix - Failed to perform Office365 backup when the folder name contains “:” (ref: ACV-546-64167, SXX-658-24529, MYR-557-74607, T-22381)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail Level Backup encounters “Item size 146524639 too large, path: xxxxx” error (ref: GAX-974-48672, GHI-635-94784, HMQ-644-16100, T-22593)
Bug fix - Office365 backup failed with error “[BlockDB.delete] Failed to remove element from bptree … not found for CalculateMoveFileValue” (ref: EEC-840-96519, T-22682)
Bug fix - Error “'Office 365 Exchange Online/xxx' exists already” is shown in Office365 backup (ref: AFM-144-53213, T-22798)
Bug fix - Mail Level Backup fails with “Cannot export item…The specified object was not found in the store…” (ref: IWJ-780-93118, T-23039)
Bug fix - Running DIC of RunDirect Hyper-V Backup Set will logged “File size incorrect…” and MAY FAIL to Restore 1st Backup Job Afterwards (ref: T-16303)
Bug fix - Hyper-V backup encounters Unexpected concurrent use of SharedBlockOutputStream…Total written size recorded in output stream does not match“ (ref: XZU-854-15623, UAN-566-14001, T-21991)
Bug fix - When performing Oracle backup via CBP encounters Validation of archive log failed?messages (ref: BIG-215-43896, T-18636)
Bug fix - Hyper-V Unable to generate delta using CBT….”The number of CBT log files do not match the number of virtual machine 's preferred owners.“ (ref: UMS-656-73562, T-20632)
Bug fix - Exchange mail-level backup keeps having Unexpected Exception: [Error] SaveToMSG ERROR=MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND after upgrade (ref: RRH-401-60647, KDG-243-42286, TPA-381-98076, EDV-238-34450, T-25538)
Bug fix - MSSQL Backup wrongly flagging database doesn't exist and not selected in source as “does not exist” and skip backing them up (ref: KSK-702-16578, RWA-840-25855, T-22817)
Bug fix - Hyper-V cluster backup gets “Integrity check has been interrupted” warnings (ref: SHD-951-16528, SIB-736-32971, T-22684)
Bug fix - Fail to run VMWare backup after upgraded to Cloudbacko v3.5.0.1 (ref: NZX-913-64996, T-22622)
Bug fix - Fail to merge and remove the check point for Hyper-V Backup set when VM name contains “\”, ”-“, ”(“, ”)“ characters (ref: XZV-159-67204, T-22739)
Bug fix - Hyper-V Failed to generate delta file by using CBT. Reason = Fail to parse offset -1 and the backup takes long time to complete (ref: GBU-481-45485, T-22125)
Bug fix - Hyper-V 2016 - 2nd Backup of Linux Running VM Hangs after Shadow Copy Set successfully created (ref: T-22462)
Bug fix - Cloudbacko will terminate when performing restore job (MS Hyper-V Backup) (ref: HHL-889-81124, T-22526)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail level backup encounters “E-mail Account Not Available” / “ERROR=MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER” warning (ref: QJL-204-51955, T-22607)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail level backup encounters “Cannot list ”@PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID\\Infected” error (ref: PON-866-68066, T-22609)
Bug fix - Exchange mail-level backup error Cannot list “folder name with backslash character” ERROR=0x800B0001 Detail=Unknown trust provider (ref: GJC-516-17662, T-22661)
Bug fix - “[OneDrive4BizManager.getAppName] Invalid sClientId ….” error is showing when having scheduled backup to OneDriveForBusiness (ref: MXN-272-67900, T-22809)
Bug fix - MS SQL gets [ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF] after upgrade (ref: PFT-347-16973, T-22982)
Bug fix - Backup got incorrect Retention size occasionally after backup (ref: FXV-731-95484, T-22729)
Bug fix - Backup failure when filename contain emoji on Mac OSX (ref: EVY-655-31308, JQD-795-98471, T-22300)
Bug fix - Error=[IOException] The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices .. (Error code=1058) (ref: XWQ-435-24891, OYR-462-82900, XYJ-319-45588, T-22674)
Bug fix - File backupset Continuous Backup could not detect and backup changes of data on network path (ref: EIF-206-26751, T-21786)
Bug fix - After deleting folder/file in mapped drive/network location backup source, error shown when doing back up (ref: WUO-150-65273, T-22148)
Bug fix - Backup stuck when VSS shadows were not totally deleted before the backup started (ref: MKC-105-47301, T-21792)
Bug fix - File backup gets [CloudBasic.backupFile] Unexpected concurrent use of SharedBlockOutputStream detected …. errors (ref: JLZ-838-42312, T-22307)
Bug fix - Running IPC file is not removed when there is error occurred in manual backup (ref: T-22515)