Backup jobs are incorrectly marked as deleted in UI for Advanced Retention Policy (ref: T-36232)
CloudFile & File Backup/Restore
File Backup getting [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such column: fileChunkMap.chunk_id) (ref: T-36238)
PDIC deletes data block from recent backups due to “not exist in index” (ref: T-36289)
File Backup getting an error “Failed to run space freeing up of destination.. Shrink count can only be acquired by chunk in IFDv3 data”” (ref: T-36310)
File Backup gets stuck on the first backup and get an error on subsequent backup (ref: T-36344)
Backup could not be completed when backing up to Wasabi (ref: T-36340)
Operating Systems
Cannot Launch App on macOS, getting an error “please grant full disk access” even permission are granted (ref: T-36352)