====== Windows System Backup Module for CloudBacko Pro ====== ---- CloudBacko Pro allows you to back up the whole Windows System with the Windows System Backup Module. This module of CloudBacko Pro provides you with a set of tools to protect your mission critical systems / personal computers on Windows operating system platforms. This includes an image-based / bare-metal backup feature, that leverages Microsoft’s native Wbadmin command-line tool ([[http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=140216]]), and recovery feature, to ensure that your servers and computers are protected even if they are lost or destroyed entirely. The image can be recovered onto a new device if necessary. {{public:cloudbacko_windows_system_backup_set_1a.png?640}} ===== Topics ===== ---- * [[public:module:windows_system:backup_process|Backup Process]] * [[public:module:windows_system:requirement|Requirements and Limitations]] * [[public:module:windows_system:best_practice|Best Practices and Recommendations]] * [[public:module:windows_system:restore_consideration|Restore Consideration]] * [[public:module:windows_system:configure_backup_set|Configure Backup Set]] * [[public:module:windows_system:run_backup|Backup]] * [[public:module:windows_system:restore|Restore]] * [[public:module:windows_system:recover_server|Recover Your Server]]