====== New Features in CloudBacko Version 4.3 ====== ===== Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) ===== The Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a new feature that will provide additional security for the CloudBacko Pro/Lite account aside from using password lock for logging in. * Using the CloudBacko app * Using TOTP Authenticators. These are third-party apps that provide one-time based password. A few examples are Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, and LastPass Authenticator. ==== Benefits ==== - Supported on CloudBacko Pro/Lite v4.3.0.0 or above. - Capable to add and/or remove one or more registered device(s) for 2FA Authentication. - Strengthens security when logging in to CloudBacko Pro/Lite. - Able to use third-party authenticators app such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, LastPass, etc. ==== How it works ==== === 1). Register the mobile device on CloudBacko Pro/Lite for Two-Factor Authentication === {{public:features:new-features-v43:image023.png?800}} === 2). Authentication for CloudBacko Pro/Lite machine thru CloudBacko app === - When starting up CloudBacko Pro/Lite, first you will enter the password for the Password Lock (If enabled). - The selection of the 2FA Authentication will be displayed. - Upon confirmation of the 2FA approval request, the CloudBacko app will receive a push authentication request, to accept or reject the login to CloudBacko Pro/Lite. - After an approval request is sent, there is additional option to “Authenticate with one-time password” which can be generated by the CloudBacko app if there are issues with the push notification. {{public:features:new-features-v43:image021.png?800}} ==== Requirements ==== - Make sure to configure the firewall to allow outbound connection to **pns.cloudbacko.com** via port **80** and **443**. Failure to do this will prevent you from using Push Notification feature. - For Android device, Android version must be Android 8 or above. For Apple device, iOS version must be 12.0 or above. - Two-Factor Authentication must be enabled on CloudBacko Pro and Lite. - A supported mobile device with CloudBacko app and/or a third-party TOTP Authenticator app must be installed. - The CloudBacko app or a third-party TOTP Authenticator app must be registered with CloudBacko Pro and Lite. - CloudBacko Pro and Lite must be connected to the internet - Mobile device must have valid mobile service and able to receive SMS notifications. - Mobile device must have a functioning camera. - To use push notification for Two-Factor Authentication with the CloudBacko app the mobile device must have an internet connection. ==== Limitation ==== - Not supported on CloudBacko Home. ===== Mobile Backup with CloudBacko App ===== CloudBacko app is introduced to backup and restore photos and videos on mobile devices to prevent them from loss due to hardware failure or being stole. ==== How it works ==== - Connect your mobile and your CloudBacko Pro / Lite / Home software to the same home Wi-Fi network - Register your mobile device in your CloudBacko Pro / Lite / Home software - Go to CloudBacko app to start the mobile backup - Photos and videos will be automatically backed up to your selected folder on the CloudBacko Pro/Lite/ Home machine {{public:features:new-features-v43:image029.png?1000}} ==== Registration process ==== ---- {{public:features:new-features-v43:image031.png?800}} ==== Backup process ==== ---- {{public:features:new-features-v43:image033.png?800}}