======Release Notes for CloudBacko Lite ======
====== v5.5.0.0 Release Notes (15-Nov-2022) ======
This release contains the major features listed below:
===== Enhancement =====
=== Application specific Backup - Microsoft365 ===
* Improve usability of Team Chats backup and restore in "This Microsoft user only" backup scope (ref: T-34663)
* Support of M365 China region (ref: T-34525)
* Backup Source Deselect filter for M365 (ref: T-35127)
=== General / Miscellaneous ===
* Support Recycle-bin for Block File Protection (ref: T-34070)
* Remove logout reminder on Windows 8 or above (ref: T-35452)
* Option to disable checkbox “Migrate Data” setting in manual backup (ref: T-35021)
* Prioritise Full Backup Schedule if multiple schedules start at the same time (ref: T-35183)
* Fine-tuning default block size for deduplication (ref: T-35095)
* Fine-tuning "Shrink block" for Storage Utilization (ref: T-34197)
=== Backup Destination ===
* Support of OpenStack Yoga (Release Date: 2022-03-30) (ref: T-34774)
* Support of OpenStack Xena (Release Date: 2021-10-06) (ref: T-33968)
* Support of OneDrive for Business China region (ref: T-34578)
=== Restore / Decrypt ===
* Better presentation of Restore Snapshot when out of retention period (ref: T-35123)
=== System maintenance ===
* Change the process name from "java" to %APP_HOME% executable for schedule backup process in macOS (ref: T-34895)
* Enhanced Memory Control for PDIC & DIC (ref: T-35249)
=== Users Experience ===
* Fully utilize UI space in Restore Screen (ref: T-35085)
===== Bug Fix =====
=== File backup ===
* File Backup gets "[NixUtil.c][write] No space left on device" error (ref: T-35414)
=== Application specific backup - CloudFile ===
* AmazonS3 Backup gets "Access denied, HTTP Code: 403 [SignatureDoesNotMatch], The request signature we calculated does not match..." (ref: T-34505)
=== Application specific Backup - Microsoft365 ===
* M365 Backup gets warn "[BackupOffice365Cmd.reviseSelectedSrc] No selected source found after revised!" and backup data were being deleted (ref: T-34850)
* M365 Backup encountered "Error=[FileAttributeIterator.reiterate] Failed to list sPath=''. Reason='Error opening connection'" (ref: T-34867)
* M365 Outlook Backup encounters "Failed to resolve backup source shortcut paths...ListAllSitesStatus=ALLOW but fail to list sites" (ref: T-34942)
* User is able to perform multiple M365 backups at a time when clicking "Backup now" button multiple times (ref: T-34810)
* M365 Backup error "Failed to handle new/same file, Failed to list path: ...Teams Chat. ... [GraphService._listChats] req app permission auth" (ref: T-35116)
* M365 Outlook Restore requires Personal Site/OneDrive setup (ref: T-35358)
* M365 Backup gets 401 Unauthorized: {"errorCode":911,"message":"Request returned invalid status response, status='Unauthorized'."} error (ref: T-35360)
* M365 Backup gets "Failed to handle same file ... Failed to list private channels. for group 'xxx' Reason=Error authenticating with resource" (ref: T-35385)
* M365 Backup encountered error [OnShallUpload_Watcher] Failed to handle same file, sPath=%Path%. Reason=Access denied (ref: T-34885)
* M365 gets error "Failed to login to cloud service with the credentials provided ... Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" (ref: T-35054)
* M365 Backup gets error "Failed to handle same file %Outlook% Reason=User %UserAccount% has been deleted or does not exist" (ref: T-35264)
* M365 Backup gets error "Failed to handle selected source, sPath=.../Outlook Reason=User %UserAccount% has been deleted or does not exist." (ref: T-35292)
* M365 Backupsets "Teams" section disappeared from backup source after Re-authorization (ref: T-35396)
=== Index ===
* Backup encountered error "index.db_%datetime%" does not exist on destination during merging & Error=[WriteFile] (112) There is not enough space (ref: T-35124)
=== Restore / Decrypt ===
* Restore stops after getting error "Table 'TableFileInfo3' has been dropped already" (ref: T-34763)
=== General / Miscellaneous ===
* CloudBacko is getting delay at the end of the backup job (ref: T-35073)
* French translation shows {0} instead of inserting the correct content in add network address (ref: T-34845)
* Failed to launch CloudBacko French in macOS, gets "Please grant full disk access to %CBK% to avoid unexpected backup failure" (ref: T-35359)
* In Ultilities > Delete Backup Data > Choose from ALL files, incorrect label for checkbox "Restore linked Data" (ref: T-35464)
=== Operating Systems ===
* File Backup on macOS 12.4 failed to load files when running scheduled backup (ref: T-34854)